We are delighted to share with you that we have received a 'Good' rating following our Ofsted inspection in June 2023 and in February 2024 we had very successful SIAMS church inspection.

School Council

The School Council is an important, respected part of the management and leadership of the school. Children write manifestos for why they should be school council members which they present to their class. Representatives are elected for their year group. The Council takes issues raised by the pupils and considers how we can make our school even better. They discuss these, and puts forward proposals to the Governors and the Head of School.

Initiatives include:
  • Raising funds for children in need, local hospices and national fundraisers.
  • Redecorating outdoor areas
  • Raising money for more books in library.
  • Buying play equipment.
The school council has raised funds which has enabled us to buy Maths and Science resources. These resources have enhanced the learning for the children at Grampound Road School.