We are delighted to share with you that we have received a 'Good' rating following our Ofsted inspection in June 2023 and in February 2024 we had very successful SIAMS church inspection.


Wraparound Care

Welcome to Grampound road wraparound care. We provide a fun-filled and theme based recreational program with a variety of enriching activities which will keep your child busy, happy and safe!
Our daily programs include: themed games, arts and crafts,  sports, special interest activities, snacks, a quiet reading area, relaxation and much more. The club is run by our staff.

Stay and Play Breakfast Club and After-School Club benefits:

  • Peace of mind
  • Open before and after school hours
  • Safe, friendly, fun environment
  • Quality childcare ~ policies and procedures checked
  • Affordable and flexible
  • Staff collect  children from classrooms
Children aged from reception to year 6 can be registered.
At Breakfast Club the children will be provided with a choice of drink (milk, juice or water), cereal or toast and preserves. They will be supervised during quiet, relaxed play time until the start of school at 8.45 am. The children will then go straight to their classrooms ready to start the school day.

All activities will be of a relaxed, leisurely, artistic or sporting nature with free playtime to enjoy the wealth of games and toys that the club has to offer. The club is able to offer indoor and outdoor facilities for sports and games. It is important  that the children have a safe environment to have fun, as well as interacting with others.
A small, healthy snack and drink will be provided for your child.

For your child’s safety and welfare it is imperative that the Club has access to accurate and up to date contact details at all times, so please inform us of any changes immediately. This includes alternative contact numbers (should the usual numbers not be applicable for any period of time) and notification if someone other than a parent is collecting.

If your child is absent from school for any reason you must inform the School, this will allow us to reallocate their place during busy sessions.
Our breakfast club runs from 7.45 -8.45 am each morning. The cost will be £3.50 per session including a healthy breakfast.

After School Club runs from 3.15pm – 4.15pm at a cost of £3.50 and a later session from 3.15pm – 5pm at a cost of £5.50 including a snack.
There will be a charge for late collection to cover staffing costs.

Siblings and Pupil Premium charged at half price.
Please book through parentpay.
Sessions need to be booked in advance by midday the day before the provision at the very latest and on Fridays, they need to be booked at midday for Monday. If we do not have any children booked in for a session we will not run the session. 
On the last day of term we do not run any afterschool provision.